Date and banana are natural flavor companions with similar profiles. Naturally sweet, they are often paired together in smoothies, bread and muffins as a healthy way to curb sugar cravings. Dates and bananas are also a great source of fibre, so they are great fruits to incorporate into your everyday diet.Date and Banana Mix
The landlocked country of Burundi is located in East Africa’s Great Lakes region. It hosts a population of around 11 million individuals. The Hutu is the largest ethnic community of Burundi. The Hutus account for 85% of the country’s population. The Tutsi is the largest ethnic minority community comprising 14% of the total population.Burundis Culture
Beyond the poverty stricken facade of Burundi is a natural paradise of scenic mountains and a peaceful lakeside awaiting discovery. This small country may be tormented by ethnic brawls and political instability, but it is slowly breaking free from the chains of its past, revealing to the world its hidden attractionSpecial Sights