So back to our zoom koom also called “welcome water”. Zoom means flour and koom means water, which explains why it is also called “flour water”. It is also prepared for special occasions, such as weddings. Zoom koom takes its name from the millet flour that composes it. Millet is an important cereal in the Equatorial African region.Zoom Koom
The traditional Burkinabé society is patriarchal in nature. Although the urban society of the country has modernized to a certain extent, the rural society still remains quite conservative in nature. The elderly generation/people are respected for their acquired wisdom and experience of life.Burkins Fasos Culture
Landlocked Burkina Faso is not exactly a top-billed destination in most travel books, and it is more than likely half the world doesn’t even know it exists. Nevertheless, besides all the fascinating attractions, wilderness and nature are the main themes of the eastern region, while the west is all about history and culture.Special Sights